Stocking our fridge with freezer meals to prepare for the arrival of our new baby has been at the top of my mind for the last couple of weeks. After doing my own research along with asking friends who have had babies what helped them out the most during those first postpartum weeks I have compiled the top 10 freezer meals for new parents below. Whether you’re a new parent or looking to get ahead of some meal prep these recipes will be sure to do the trick.
Breakfast Meals
I’m not the biggest breakfast person, but over the course of my pregnancy, that has dramatically changed. Now even before I get out of bed I’m thinking of what to make! When I don’t feel like making anything in particular there’s nothing better than having a frozen stash of muffins, or waffles at the ready. The night before I usually transfer the goods to the fridge to thaw overnight, or I just pop the frozen pancakes or scones in the toaster or oven.
Smoothies are another great breakfast to prep and freeze ahead of time. Most of the time it’s easy enough to make in the morning but knowing that I won’t have a ton of time to prep in those early hours. I have frozen individual smoothie packs with fresh fruit, veggies, and superfood add-ins. When the time comes to make your smoothie, blend the frozen ingredients with juice and your favourite plant-based milk to make a healthy, energizing breakfast.
Soup Freezer Meals
Without question, soups are a great freezer meal to have on hand. Over the last month or so I have been cooking up and doubling the recipe of some of my favourite ones. When you want to freeze the soup, allow it to cool completely beforehand then store in an airtight, freezer-safe container.
When ready to eat transfer to the fridge to thaw overnight and reheat the soup on the stovetop. Here are a few of the soups I freeze most often:
Dinner Freezer Meals
Dinner freezer meals have been a complete game-changer for me. Over the last month, I’ve also started to double up on dishes. Here are my top three dinner freezer meals.